How To Make £200+ Per Day At Car Boot Sales

This manual was written by a car booter with over 15 years experience in the business. It is exactly what it says it is.
It will show you exactly how to make up to £200 per day at 
car boot sales. You will learn everything you need to know to
make up to £200 at each and every car boot sale you attend!

It will teach the beginner what to sell, what to avoid, 
how and where to obtain the cheapest possible stock 
and the things to sell
at ten times the price you buy for.

Plus manymore tips and trade secrets. Also, information 
on how to make serious money organising car boot sales. 
For only £15 you get a copy of this excellent manual, 
repro rights, plus a master copy of this sales circular 
whereby you can earn 100% each time you receive an order. 
Order within 10 days and you only pay the bargain price of £10 !!


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