Perhaps not literally, but there still are great dividends to be earned from living continuously in the past, if that is, you hope to pander to a new and growing band of customers for whose needs you can more than easily and best of all profitably, cater for - with little time and effort being required of you in return. |
This new and superbly profitable business is one that finds the business man or woman
researching and tracing family trees on behalf of customers from all parts of the world; providing a wide range of services, from such as researching and cataloguing a tree in it's entirety, to perhaps just arranging the provision of a few essential pieces of documentation or historical data to allow customers to continue tracing their own family trees.The hours are short, the work easy, the pay is good, the customers plentiful - and more than willing to pay you to undertake the research that they might be unable to carry out themselves due to lack of time, commitment or lack of insight - thankfully - into just how easy and
lucrative this business can be.But it doesn't stop just there. There are in fact numerous spin off businesses associated with tracing family trees, ranging from computer programming, to typing services, and on to
specialist one name research, to writing, arranging tours and providing accommodation, catering for the needs of other researchers in terms of paperwork, stationary and illustrations for their documents, along with countless other business opportunities which will find the entrepreneur simply "dying to live in the past".With potential like this, who was it said "dead Clients Don't Pay?"
—————–——————————– Order Form: ————————————————
YES! I want to earn money tracing family trees! Please send me a copy of your manual. I enclose my remittance of £10.00. (This offer includes full reproduction and resale rights).
ADDRESS: ……………………………………………………..... ……………………………………………………………………… POSTCODE: ……………………………………………………. |
SEND TO: Michael Smith |