"YES! You Can Advertise for FREE and Make Money on the Internet!"

A special Report bv Avril Harper for Meander Press.

Wouldn't You Like to Make Money On the Internet? In the course of just a few years, the Internet has emerged as the fastest, easiest way to make money fast, either by advertising conventional products like food and high fashion items, or by joining the growing breed of internet marketers whose entire business operates on-line, selling the most important product of all as the Millennium draws near.

Information! is the reason millions of worldwide computer owners tune in to the Internet, the most amazing, most powerful marketing tool the world has ever known. So imagine starting a business designed to feed that insatiable desire for information. Imagine placing advertisements and waking to a boxful of orders the very next day. Imagine advertising your products for FREE.

That's Right FREE! Despite the enormous potential of the Internet - the number of new NET millionaires is growing fast - it's a shock to learn so much FREE advertising is offered. So many places to target, so many FREE ADS. to place, so many computer users desperate to order from you.

FREE Advertising "NETS" Millions! Case studies of advertisers making millions abound on the net, even for part time operations started on a shoestring. Such as a florist who makes ten million a year through free advertising, and another whose very first information product attracted 7,000 orders within days of the advert appearing.

Such stories are by no means unusual. Countless others have similar tales to tell which you can read about in brand new exclusive report. "How to Advertise for Free and Make Money on the Internet" shows how it's done, focusing on selling information through FREE ads. Thousands of locations - yes, we said thousands - offer FREE advertising to a carefully targeted audience.

And free does not mean useless. In fact, free advertising on the Internet is the most productive of all, generating immense earnings for astute business owners with knowledge of which areas to target and how to place their ads. In the first place. There's the secret. You must know which areas to target for FREE advertising, how to produce and place your ads, how to make people desperate to order from you. Today! It's a secret worth knowing and one that can make you more money than you previously thought possible. And all for easy part time work, with overheads uniquely low. Thankfully, it's a secret I'll share with you now in

"How to Advertise for Free and Make Money on the Internet".

The wealth-generating potential of the Internet is truly astounding, with so many places to advertise and so many affluent buyers actively seeking information products - as many as 50 million people are currently linked to the Internet with an estimated 100,000 new subscribers arriving each week.

This exclusive report reveals: ** How to have THOUSANDS of FREE ads running at any one time. ** How to make sure hoards of people tune into your ad. ** How to create information products the net community is desperate to buy. ** And how to make them buy NOW! ** How to take orders 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ** How to write killer ads. The kind that make big money fast. ** How to create headlines that make readers desperate to order from you. ** How to create products the world wants to buy. ** Why marketing on-line is faster, more profitable than selling by post. ** Why information is the best and easiest product to sell to make money fast. ** What the new breed of Internet Information Millionaires advise for faster, better profit margins than anything they've experienced so far. ** And so much more!

Dare you wait any longer? If there's a computer in your home why look any further for a money-making venture when the answer is staring you in the face already?

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